Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Customer is NOT "Always Right"!

One common quote regurgitated frequently in training circles is the classic "The Customer is always right"! What moron came up with THAT lie? More importantly, what imbeciles keep repeating it?

Anyone who spends any kind of time in the real world knows that Customers are NOT always right. This attitude creates an unhealthy bi-polar situation: if the Customer is always right, and there's a disagreement (with the Employee), then who is wrong? The Employee! Not exactly an environment that anyone I know would want to work in. NO one is going to get excited to come to work every day so they can be wrong!

Like anyone else, Customers are people. People aren't perfect and they certainly aren't always right - but, as people, we ALL deserve respect. I like Disney's more enlightened opinion: "The Guest may not always be right, but they are always the Guest - and if they're wrong, they must be wrong with dignity!"

Imagine: a company rooted in fantasy operating in the real world. How refreshing!

Think about it...but more importantly, act on!


Anonymous said...

Great posts. It seems like someone finally gets how these foolish business training gurus waste our time and money. How long will people mindlessly swallow the lies? Only proven tactics make sense, especially in this day and age. Keep preaching Mark!

Anonymous said...

amen, david! tellin' it real-world style.