Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Aim Small, Miss Small

There's a saying with gun marksmen: "Aim small, miss small". This refers to a tactic that helps place bullets closer to the precise goal. Rather than focusing on the entire target, the better choice is to aim only at the smallest, "dead-center" part of the bull's-eye. Even if you miss the very center of the target, you'll usually miss the bull's-eye by much less than if you simply were shooting at the larger target in general.

The same thing applies to goals in our life/business. The more specific we are in our Vision/goal, the more likely we are to get closer - even if we fail to "hit the bull's-eye".

Consider how detailed your goals are for your future. Are you "targeted" on the more general aspects of what would be success or have you imagined the smallest details? Have you considered what all five of your senses would experience (What would it look like, feel like, sound like, smell like, taste like) to finally accomplish the goal?

Here's the kicker: If anyone else is involved in helping to make your goal happen, then it is impossible to clearly articulate these details (so they can effectively visualize them) if you are not able to describe it in the smallest detail yourself.

So, revisit the goals for your successful future - and get better focused on the absolute center of your target...if you really want to hit the bull's-eye rather than merely the edge.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about it...today!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Are You More-dinary?

In an effort to be more competitive, some people make the mistake of trying to simply provide more of the product/service they (and their competitors) deliver. Lazy thinking that is a big mistake. Merely providing more is related to manipulating the price. In the end, you make your offerings a commodity - a path that only drags down profits... and, ultimately your business.

This just makes you "more-dinary". Boring AND unhealthy. The cure? Constantly strive to be different and better. That ALWAYS differentiates you from the competition - often allowing you to charge a premium (making you interesting to your customers AND resulting in a healthy bottom line! What a bonus!)

Discover the deeper reason your customers desire your industry's product/service, assess what/how you and your competition is delivering those things, and then focus on what you can do to be different and better in the minds/hearts of your customers. Then execute soon and well. Repeat. Often.

The competition will always try to copy success. Your job is to 1. Stay engaged with your customers - both external and internal (employees), and 2. keep becoming different and better. To stay relevant and thrive in your business - no matter what it is - ANYthing is better than settling for "more-dinary". Instead, choose to be extraordinary!

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about it...today!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Forgive, Yes...But Forget??

We've all heard about the common saying "Forgive and forget". It's typically used to describe a more gentle, "enlightened" view towards our fellow human beings - encouraging us to achieve some kind of world peace by simply wiping the slate clean and forgetting it ever happened. What a load of bull...uh, I mean - what a foolish choice!

Forgiveness is one thing. Whether you forgive or not really only impacts you. Refusing to forgive a wrong is typically rooted in an emotional resentment that will lead to bitterness if left to fester - only serving to continue harming you - rather than the wrong-doer. So, ultimately, the wisest option is to choose to forgive. Whether or not to forget is quite another issue.

The healthiest option after being the victim of a negative experience is to forgive and remember! That experience - and memory - should be used for a productive purpose.

The goal for any and all life experiences is to learn from them and grow in wisdom and good judgment. Remembering the details that led to the experience and - logically - leveraging that insight to help make better choices for the future is the better option. To forget would be a shameful waste of the experience, making it more likely that you'll put yourself in the position to be victimized yet again...a much worse tragedy.

This brings to mind the more balanced saying of "Live and learn". So, when you are deep in the aftershocks of a painful experience - just focus on remembering the mistake, so you're less likely to repeat it in the future.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about it...today!