Sunday, February 5, 2012


Have you ever noticed how often companies seem to focus on the wrong things? For example, look at any company's policy/procedures and ask yourself the question: Is each one of these bureaucratic hoops to be jumped through for the benefit of the customer...or their company?

We've all seen the little rubber wrist bands with acronyms - standing for a wide variety of thought-provoking causes. Here's an acronym that reflects a cause that all successful business people are passionate about:


It actually has two distinct meanings. The first meaning is What Would Your Customer Want? This is critical guidance when faced with solving a problem or making any decision during your work day. If your customer is always the center target of your focus, and you take into consideration how your decision/action will affect them, then you are already well beyond what "ordinary" businesses do. You become different and better!

The second meaning is the next most important meaning - What Would Your Competition Want? Make no mistake - your competition wants you to be average, predictable, slower, less attentive, less engaging, less efficient, more greedy, more selfish, and less thoughtful about your business. The reason is so you will make it easier for them to win in your industry. The reason it's important to know what your competition wants is so you can do the opposite! They want you to zig? Then you should zag!

Just a quick reminder about two things to consistently consider to achieve consistent success. (Feel free to make some bands if you'd like!)

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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