Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Priority: Plan or People?

No one argues that having a plan is important to the success of any business. As the saying goes: "Plan the work, then work the plan".

But in this world of limited development resources and finite time, it is vital to prioritize our efforts to ensure the very best results. So in the midst of the battle for your attention, which should be the default choice when the line is drawn in the sand?

Develop your Plan or develop your People?

World-class companies have an insight about this dilemma. They've seen how circumstances constantly shift and change - requiring our plans to adjust as we go. Sure, the general direction of our strategy may remain the same, but the fact that we have to evolve the plan in order to stay relevant is an indicator - much of what we plan never happens because of future adjustments. Arguably, the time/energy invested in those parts of the plan that evaporate is wasted. So, the answer is:

Develop your People!

Here's the reason: A team of "robots" waiting to be told what to do when circumstances call for changing the plan is always a losing proposition. If we develop our team so that they can adapt to any situation; they can work together effectively despite the ambiguous circumstances, and create value. Then you have a resource even more valuable (because they execute) than a well-intentioned plan. In fact, they can be trained to actually develop plans and make relevant/in-the-moment decisions as they encounter the unpredictable forces of your hyper-competetive workplace.

Plans are vital - however People trump the Plan every day of the week. So do both - but place the priority on your people. An A-Team will always find a way to achieve the extraordinary.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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