Thursday, December 15, 2011

Your Personal Pre-Shift Meeting

Wouldn't it be great if EVERYone consistently did the right thing on a regular basis? How do the best leaders accomplish this? Well, one example is Ritz-Carlton. Like other world-class companies, they are known for consistent behaviors because they stay focused on common values - and the behaviors that reflect those values.

The key is consistency of communication and accountability. Every Ritz-Carlton property - and every department at each property - hold a pre-shift meeting where everyone participates in a reminder about that day's assigned value. As part of this process, they discuss examples of what behaviors have/can bring that value to life for that day (with the understanding that every value should be lived each and every day), with ongoing feedback. Since the information is constantly "top of mind", it becomes easier (and more natural) to reinforce what behaviors are appropriate and why.

You can do this for yourself! Generate YOUR most important values/standards and then at the beginning of each day, one at a time, focus on how to bring that day's value to life in action - whether it be with journaling, meditation, or discussions with a colleague. Then rotate around to the beginning of your list when you get to the end. Consider it a daily action plan - and an opportunity to communicate through word AND deed what you value most.

Over time, you will find what Ritz-Carlton has found - the behaviors that reflect YOUR personal values will become a habit, and you will enjoy the benefits of a life of true integrity. Simple (and low cost) actions with profound results.

Think about it. But more importantly do something about!

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