Sunday, December 11, 2011

Getting Your OWN PhD

Yes, we all agree that developing yourself is an important strategy for improving your results in life. But who has time/resources to pursue learning all the things that can help you grow to who you want to ultimately be - both professionally and personally?

You do.

Want to know a fast, easy, and inexpensive way to grow dramatically in the direction of your unique, personal dreams in just one year's time? Instead of the huge commitment involved in enrolling at a university for an advanced degree, create your own customized program in the living laboratory of your life! Try this little strategy:

Identify the top 6 areas of knowledge or skills that you need most to attain the professional or personal goals of your dreams. Next, dedicate 2 months per topic and begin researching the "best of" information available to you. You can begin with as simple as an Internet search. Try "(topic)" + "best" + "list" (add other search words such as "thought leader" or other terms to best target your research.) As you land on valuable information, save/print/study/learn the information as you need to develop you for the attainment of your goals.

On your terms.

If your goal is skill-based, you can augment your online studies with local hands-on opportunities (locate professionals in your area to help you experience the skill-building you want.) Maybe this looks like job shadowing. Maybe it is a local trades/craft class you can take at night/on weekends. Get creative! Again, YOU drive your development.

The beauty of this approach is threefold. 1. You can do this on your schedule - when it is convenient for you. 2. You can get as in-depth and detailed as you desire - in ANY direction of content, with no one else adding irrelevant content that you don't want. 3. It is virtually a free "directed independent study" program - created by you - for you.

Bottom line: With minimal investment of time, money, and effort - you can make tremendous strides in your own development. Don't be discouraged by the expensive, long-term formal education options. You have alternatives! Go out and make the opportunities that are at your fingertips each and every day. With a little discipline, you'll be amazed at what you will accomplish with a little extra effort each and every day.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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