Sunday, September 18, 2011

Harley-Davidson Service Standards

Their brand is as distinctive as the rumbling sound from their mufflers. Harley-Davidson has successfully generated a brand that is so strong that even non-motorcycle riding people want their merchandise. And loyalty? Their fans are among the most fanatic of any brand out there. You know you've arrived when customers start tattooing your logo on their bodies.

What kind of tools do they provide their employees to deliver a Harley-Davidson experience that matches their brand? Well, I recently worked with them and among their many tools, I have the 6 simple (though not always easy) service standards from their orientation:

Hello - Greet everyone with a warm welcome - like a valued member of your club.
Approach - Initiate contact to help break the ice.
Recognize - Engage them in a personalized way that treats them as a valued individual.
Look it up - Go the extra mile when helping the customer. Get the answers they need.
Enthusiasm - will spark that of your customers. Share the Harley passion.
You - are the one that brings Harley-Davidson to life for the customer.

(Yes, it spells "Harley"), but more importantly, it guides each person to focus on the things that matter most when earning loyalty. Even a "rough and tumble" brand like Harley-Davidson understands that genuinely connecting with their customers (and their shared passions) is what sets their brand apart from others.

What kind of experiences can your team create that inspires customers to tattoo YOUR logo on their bodies?

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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