Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Scam: Managing Versus Leading?

You may be the victim of a scam! Have you ever seen the common comparisons between Managing and Leading? Typically, they include words like:

Enforces consistency
Asks how
Forms policy
Corrects weaknesses
Wields control
Does things right

Elicits creativity
Asks why
Sets example
Builds strengths
Applies influence
Does the right thing

These business writers/pontificators always make it seem like being a Manager is bad and being a Leader is good.

What a pile of...uh, a crock of...uh, what a load of...well, you know what I mean.

Next time to see such a list (or hear someone spouting off this Manager = bad, Leader = good nonsense - ask them this: Is anything on the "Manager List" always bad? The answer is "No, of course not". Since when is "doing things right" a bad thing? Puh-leeze!

Bottom line: The truth is, we all need to be good at using EVERY tool possible that matches the situation we are faced with at the time. When we are addressing processes that consistency, then enforce that. When creativity is needed, elicit that.

Anything overdone, becomes a weakness. Don't fall for the "all of nothing" scam. Focus on being the best in the behaviors in BOTH lists. Then you will be a Manager/Leader (whatever you want to call yourself) that ultimately makes a real difference.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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