Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Passion Over-rated?

How many times have we heard "Follow your passion"? Obviously, immersing yourself in whatever jazzes you is a good thing...BUT...the most successful people realize that it isn't the only thing. Passion alone is over-rated. Think of it this way: Passion is fuel. Fuel by itself can be either unproductive or downright dangerous. What else is important to leverage your passion for success?

One additional/required consideration is focus. Unless you have sufficient focus on how your passion best adds value to others, you are not likely to get the results you ultimately desire. Focus allows you to target your energy, like a water hose with a nozzle on the front - gaining power as the stream of water is channeled in a specific way. Adding focus gains you the time lost by pursuing other unrelated tasks.

Another ingredient is consistency. Success is never a result of inconsistent execution. Adding the discipline of daily effort towards a singular goal is what builds upon each previous effort. Passion can wane - even with activities we are passionate about. "Priming the pump" during those times of lower energy (challenges/set-backs) will generate momentum that average people will never achieve.

Finally, nothing happens - regardless of passion - until you take action! People often talk about what they are passionate about...but never actually do anything about it. The natural consequence is no results. Instead, once you have identified the basic direction of your goal, begin! Hone/fine tune as you learn - but take action. This is what brings your passion to life!

Passion + Focus + Consistency + Action = Results.

Missing something in your results? Then do a check-up on one of the four elements that ultimately create the results you're hoping for - and adjust as needed.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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