Sunday, July 10, 2011

Digging Deeper. Going Farther.

There's a whole lotta talk going on these days. Talk about being different and better. Talk about engaging employees and customers. Talk about leadership excellence and operational effectiveness and strategy and tactics.

But very little results. Why is that? What do proven winners do differently to achieve those outcomes?

Well, the operative word is: DO!

When it comes down to separating the ordinary from the extraordinary, the key is consistent execution. Those who succeed eventually stop talking and start doing.

How do they do that, when it's not always clear about what to do?

In order to get to the root issues (and, therefore, the root actions required), world-class leaders don't just talk superficially about what makes their business different and better. They dig deep and get into the details of their unique target market and confront the difficult work of knowing their customers, their industry, and themselves.

[Pop quiz: What is the one thing that you do better than anyone else? What - specifically - makes you different than the many other options your customers have? And why should your customers really care? Hint: Your competition probably know this. You had better make sure your customers do too!]

Then, using that valuable information, world-class successes build the discipline (not a sexy or comfortable word so most business/self-help books shy away from this) to consistently implement - in alignment with what their customers want most and what they do differently/better than anyone else.

Simple, but not easy. Take the time to dig deeper this week - so you can go farther than you've ever gone before. You, and your customers, deserve that.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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