Saturday, January 3, 2009

FINALLY Bring Your Goals To Life!

Okay, it's a new year and we all want to have a new/better life. BlahBlahBlah... Let's cut to the chase: What do the most successful people do to consistently achieve their goals - even in difficult times?

No, they aren't superhuman and they do not have better resources/opportunities (at least before they started realizing their goals), they just do what ordinary people will not: THEY STOP SETTLING!

The most successful leaders/organizations simply don't settle for anything less than excellent. They make a real commitment (not just some temporary "resolution") and take real action - not settle for merely talking about action items or plans to act. Every success began with a single step - a call, an email, a conversation with someone or connection with something that could help exceed typical results and get extraordinary results.

A true breakthrough starts with a real investment of yourself to connect with proven approaches to success - not some lame "law of attraction" psycho-babble. "Wishing" is not a legitimate business strategy.

Contrary to common belief, the first step is NOT being aware that you want to be better. Awareness (and "wishing") doesn't count - we all want to improve. The real first step is doing something - taking physical action!

Identify someone who has earned success and physically contact them - ask them how they did it. Don't settle for just telling people about your plans - show them by doing.

So...stop reading right now and start doing...right now!

Oh, and have a Happy New Year too. (and by "Happy", I mean "kick-ss successful")

Think about it...but more importantly, act on!

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