Sunday, December 14, 2008

What It Takes To Survive In Crisis Situations

It's hard not to notice the scores of businesses failing right now. Many claim that they are the "victims" of this nasty economic crisis. The hard truth is, they are only the victims of how they dealt with the circumstances. Let's really look at the facts:

Why won't all businesses in their industry fail? After all, they're dealing with the same circumstances. Actually, there's a simple answer:

There are two primary aspects of our operational abilities: Preparedness (Training; Having processes in place; etc.) and Resources (Money; Physical assets; People; etc.) Here's the secret that true world-class businesses have discovered: Your current status regarding these two issues are based on how you think!

This is NOT some "name it, claim it/ask the Universe for it" kind of garbage...uh, I mean, theory. When leaders think training is important, they invest in that and are better prepared. When they think innovative solutions best come from front line employees, they engage them in opportunities to adapt/improve results. You get the picture. Their actions begin with their thoughts and beliefs.

Because circumstances constantly change, the key is thinking in a way (focusing on proven, real-life solutions) that gets consistent, world-class results - even in difficult times.

It's too bad many professionals miss that truth. It means the difference between thriving and merely surviving...and sometimes (unfortunately) between surviving, and not.

Don't be that statistic. Even now, it's not too late to invest in the proven approach that will completely change your situation for the better. Really. Don't settle for less when you can tap into proven solutions that will lead you to achieving your potential.

Think about it...but more importantly, act on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't start spouting off about that Secret crap. Hard work on the right things is, and always has been, the real solution. Good blog. What kind of consulting do you do? Do you have a website?