Thursday, November 15, 2012

Safety Net or Hammock?

Preparing for a future that is never really known (until it is the present) can be a risky venture.  Putting back-up plans and "just in case" support mechanisms in place is a good idea to mitigate that risk.  After all, safety (and personal/organizational health) is important.

But we need to be careful about being too careful.

People often create a safety net of contingency plans that slowly, over time becomes a hammock of comfortable (low-risk) settling.  Playing it too safe, too often, is not healthy.  In fact, it actually becomes dangerous - which is, ironically, the very thing we set out to avoid.  What is originally intended as a safety net can (if we're not vigilant) become a hammock - that can lull you into complacency.  Which leads to a dull, listless life of settling.

There is a saying: "If you hit the target every time, you are too close to the target".  Growth requires challenging our abilities and capabilities. 

When was the last time you attempted to do something important to you where you had less than a 50/50 chance of success?  That always generates a higher level of focus, creativity, and effort...and growth!
So, what do you want - dynamic growth or letting yourself get sucked into a hammock of mediocrity?

Think about it.  But more importantly, do something about!

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