Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How To Jump Start Your Breakthrough

Do you ever feel stuck - like you're in a rut or hitting a block preventing you from taking things to the next level?  Here's something I've discovered works every time (so far) to shake out the cobwebs...

Whenever I need to come up with something new and different - whether it is a big (potentially painful?) decision I'm not wanting to take action on, or a creative breakthrough that's missing for me to push beyond a plateau I've been on - I've found it helpful to physically do something that disrupts my "temporary business as usual" life. 

Doing something that scares you (emotionally or physically) is a great way to forcibly shift your focus. 

We've all had some unexpected experience that really shook us.  Afterwards, there is an adrenaline rush and shift in thinking that can only come from having a different perspective.  After this dramatic (good or bad) experience, it can almost feel like your brain gets re-wired (which may not be far off, according to several scientists who study such things) and you see your current situation with a fresh, new clarity you didn't have before...which is an invaluable position to be in!

My suggestion?  Don't passively wait around for one of these extreme experiences to coincidentally happen.  Do it on purpose!

For example, when I get to one of those "dry spots" in my life, I schedule an activity like skydiving.  For me, the physical danger/challenge forces me to get profoundly focused on the real-life implications of "jumping out of a perfectly good airplane".  It certainly clears up the sinuses and gets the blood pumping in a way few other things do.  Personally, I enjoy "daredevil" type activities, but it also holds true for emotionally dangerous activities as well.

Is there a discussion you've been needing to have but have been hesitant?  A decision/big step that you need to make that is intimidating?  DO something to schedule (by design!) an "I can't believe I'm doing this" experience.  It always (for me) becomes a catalyst that rips me out of my rut and allows me to have the breakthrough I desire.

So...what would get YOUR blood pumping?

Think about it.  But more importantly, do something about it...today!

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