Monday, January 23, 2012

Are You Misspending Your Life?

We are all faced with a particular dilemma each and every day: Not enough resources to accomplish the things we want to do. Every day, we face choices. Each day, we make decisions.

Are you who you always wanted to be - living the life you always wanted to lead? Are you getting the outcomes you hoped for most?

With every tick of the clock, we invest a second of our life that we can never get back. We have limited time, and other resources: Energy (you have to sleep sometime), Money (we always would prefer more), Knowledge (what have you learned lately?), Skills (have you made the effort to master the abilities you need most?)...the list goes on.

Interestingly, there's a similarity among people that have their act together. Almost all have had a significant emotional/life-threatening experience (whether themselves or a loved one) that motivated them to identify what really, deeply, profoundly, personally matters to them in life. These foundational truths become the priorities for every decision they make. Being aligned internally creates the integrity we all see from the outside.

There is no reason to wait for a life-threatening experience! Commit to investing the time and effort to be introspective. Ponder what makes you unique. Consider what you value most in life. These will direct you toward your purpose. Once you have those "north stars" to guide you, you can determine how to maximize (say "yes" to) the activities that create your dreams and minimize (say "no" to) those activities that do not contribute towards your unique purpose.

Don't squander another minute on behaviors that don't get you the life you desire most. You don't get a second chance. And your first/only chance is slipping away every moment you delay...

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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