Sunday, November 13, 2011

Connecting For The Long-Term

Have you ever thought about how to create raving fans or advocates for your business? Working with Disney, Apple, Ritz-Carlton, Nordstrom, and others, I've seen the approach these successful companies use to consistently engage their customers - both externally and internally (their employees). It can be stated in this simple phrase:

Reach their hearts, then teach their minds.

Of course, logically being a great value is critical to success, but facts and figures will never truly create passionate relationships. Before you can "prove" your worth, you must first reach their hearts with a shared purpose, build your relationship/credibility, THEN seal the deal with your (logical) products and services.

Once you form that deeper link with what they truly value, then the rest is just details that evolve over time. If your connection remains dynamic and value-added, you will (like every healthy relationship) serve to develop each other over time. Each adding value in a dance that gains momentum, grows in depth, goes the distance.

No complicated formula or expensive technology required. Just authentic person-to-person interactions that make a difference in the things that matter. We regularly see this with the loyalty leaders out there. There's no reason why you can't do this with your employees (first) and (then) your external customers. Create opportunities to have meaningful discussions about Values, Vision, what they truly, deep down care about most. Then build on those connections each and every day to provide a pattern of consistency. Invest in these efforts now and you'll discover a growing list of passionate advocates for you in no time!

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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