Monday, October 10, 2011

Breaking The Comfort Cycle

Want to make a dramatic improvement in your life? Here's a great place to start: Breaking the human nature cycle we all encounter that goes something like this...

1. You realize you're uncomfortable with some experience (public speaking, new technology, etc.) so you convince yourself that you'll never be any good at it.
2. You avoid doing that thing you're uncomfortable with (because it's painful.)
3. A situation arises where you can't avoid doing it (that's just the way it is.)
4. You don't prepare sufficiently (because you avoid the painful discomfort as much as possible).
5. You have another bad experience (the natural consequences of not practicing/preparing enough).
6. You convince yourself that you'll never be any good at it and swear that you'll never do it again (which is not true - if you practiced, you would be better.)
7. Repeat.

Avoiding something that is part of professional (and/or personal) life is foolish. An unavoidable situation will arise eventually - and it will continue to be painful until you learn from it and break through the discomfort.

Accepting these uncomfortable trials with courage and discipline will break the vicious cycle. Not only will it get "less uncomfortable" (not everything in life eventually gets comfortable), but you'll benefit from getting better at the experience.

Discipline and hard work on things that are uncomfortable aren't very sexy, but it is the only way to gut through these situations. A little extra effort can earn you that breakthrough you've been wanting.

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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