Think of it this way, when your customers are deciding about getting a product or service you happen to provide, they will think of all the options available to them. When considering you AND your competition, they will compare the true cost to them (money, time, and effort) to the product or service (the "thing" as well as the entire experience) they are purchasing - and judge it all based on what THEY value.
There are several options:
- What you offer is less than one of your competitors, and you lose the sale. You eventually go out of business.
- Your experience is the same as your competitor(s), so it becomes all about price. Your product/service just became a commodity and you follow the inevitable price war down - and you eventually go out of business.
- What you offer is different/better than your competition and you earn the sale.
- Your competition can copy just about anything (marketing, product, environment, processes - they can even reverse-engineer your product), but they cannot replicate the relationship you/your employees have with them. Once you earn loyalty, it is nearly impossible for your competitor to "steal" them away.
- You must continuously improve everything about your customer's experience. This includes your relationship with each customer.
The most important thing you can do is to establish what your customers really want then consistently deliver it while exceeding their expectations (being unique/different.) Spend some time with your team focusing on implementing different/better/unique and you will be amazed at how you will start to gain marketshare.
Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!
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