Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where Do You Go Right?

After a life stumble, we often hear someone say "Where did I go wrong?" Good to do. Obviously, making mistakes is not the preferred outcome - but it happens. Repeating a mistake, however, is a completely unnecessary waste. If we are paying attention and care enough to make the effort, we can learn from every mistake we - or others - make...and forgo that avoidable wrong.

Another question - rarely asked - is equally important: "Where did I go right?" Examining successful decisions (ours or others) actually help us repeat success.

Consider this: In every success story, there is a moment when things shifted for the better. The successful person did something differently to start down a different road leading to a better result. Here's the bottom line - and it is pretty simple:
  • If the path you are currently on is not leading to the ultimate goal you want, then you must change what you are doing to achieve what you desire. You may not know exactly what to change, but you DO know that life as usual is not it, so your "do nothing/the same" option is NOT the right one. (If you don't know what you want, then THAT just became your new task.)
  • The longer you stay on your existing path, the longer you are moving in the wrong direction. (The whole "where did I go wrong?" thing - yes, you just answered that question. You're choosing it every day you stay on your current path.)
  • You must take action to see the results. Planning is nice, but it doesn't count as an action step in regards to actually improving. Yes, taking action risks failure (that is why most do NOT take sufficient action), but by definition, the path you're on is failing you already.

The real question then, is not "Should I do something differently?", but "What should I do? (experiment with whatever needs improving until you start seeing results) and "When should I do it?" (Now. It's the first step that keeps most people from optimizing their results. Once you've taken that first step, the second becomes easier, and the third easier still - until you break through to become part of the successful group that began doing things right.)

You have the choice to make NOW the answer to the question: "When did I go right?" All it takes is that first step. Are you choosing to take it, or continue settling for less in your life?

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!

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