Friday, August 27, 2010

How Many Days Have You Lived?

I was working with a client organization the other day and saw a sign in the machine shop. It was one of those typical signs that state how many days the team had gone without an accident. During my conversation with the shop manager, we discussed the previous day's leadership workshop on aligning Values, Talent, and Vision and how it related to the common safety sign.

People keep track of things that are important. Things like safety. Why then, do we not measure other things that are just as/more important?

For example, the client's safety sign read "123 days without an accident". Why don't we have a sign in our homes that read "18,250 days that I haven't died?" Unfortunately (or fortunately), we can't have a sign with the number of days we have left in life. I'd bet that would be a sign everyone would pay attention to.

Maybe I was wondering about this because I had just gotten news of the unexpected death of a friend's husband. We don't often think of how many days we've been alive - or that those days are numbered...somewhere. Maybe we should. How would that change our results in life?

Imagine instead if we had a sign that measured how many days we really lived! This was the discussion I had with the manager. "What if people were focused on what was truly important to them (Values), and what they were best at doing (Talent) that propelled them forward towards a goal that was compelling and desirable for them (Vision)"? As their leader, his job is to help them make that happen.

That is ALL of our jobs: To identify those things and take action to see that we stay on course. Every day.

Wouldn't it feel GREAT to add a new number each day to your sign "How Many Days I've Really Lived = X"??

Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!


Carlos said...


Sara said...

Just go here and type you birth date