Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Doing" World-Class

One of my greatest disappointments - and frustrations - is how people view the success of legitimate world-class organizations.  I often hear how "normal people" can't possibly hope to achieve the amazing results of such industry leaders because of some supposed "special" abilities, resources, people, or circumstances that all others do not have.

To that I say "What a load of garbage"!

Working directly with dozens of Fortune 500 companies, I have seen first-hand exactly what they do (and don't do) to achieve the outcomes that everyone marvels at, and one thing has become evident: Other than some technical patented widget/process/design, they all have the same access to resources as you or anyone else.

An outrageous claim?  I challenge anyone to identify one thing they have that you don't (besides the scale that results in success over a period of time).  They have offices, computers, paper, phones, budgets, products, customers, employees, leaders, money, time, etc.  Just like you do. 

The only significant difference is the WAY that they utilize those resources.

They have better results than anyone else because they approach all the same issues that you have (leadership, teamwork, passion, time management, creativity/innovation, hiring, training, communication, recognition, etc.) BETTER than anyone else.  Period.

The other thing world-class companies do consistently better than anyone else?  How they implement.

If you examine every huge success and you'll discover a series of actions that created the ultimate outcome. 

All do-able (they proved it by doing it - with NO superhuman powers.)
All started with a first step (which was followed by every other step until they succeeded.)

The truth is that ANYone can attain world-class results...IF they improve HOW they approach their business.  Stop working harder on things that don't optimize your potential and start adapting proven success practices - then improve them daily to stay on your A-game.

Want help?  Go to for proven results.

Think about it.  But more importantly do something about!

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