Imagine what it would be like to NOT have those memories.
Imagine what it would be like to have MORE fond memories.
So, what causes these valuable "I'm a better person because I experienced that" memories?
To figure this out, let's break it down:
- You recall them because they are significant.
- They are significant because you were involved.
- You were involved because you opted to be actively engaged in the activity.
- You were actively engaged because you took the risk - the first step - in embracing whatever (and wherever) that activity would take you.
And what a shame that would be. Especially since enjoying those memories are simply a result of something YOU control: Actively trying something new.
So, you want more memories? You want a fuller legacy? Get more active. Consider those dreams you've had about visiting a special place or connecting (or re-connecting?) with someone or attempting that new thing that you've always wanted to try. Those memories won't happen until you take that first step.
And there's no time like the present to create more good memories. (You're worth it!)
Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!