The same thing applies to goals in our life/business. The more specific we are in our Vision/goal, the more likely we are to get closer - even if we fail to "hit the bull's-eye".
Consider how detailed your goals are for your future. Are you "targeted" on the more general aspects of what would be success or have you imagined the smallest details? Have you considered what all five of your senses would experience (What would it look like, feel like, sound like, smell like, taste like) to finally accomplish the goal?
Here's the kicker: If anyone else is involved in helping to make your goal happen, then it is impossible to clearly articulate these details (so they can effectively visualize them) if you are not able to describe it in the smallest detail yourself.
So, revisit the goals for your successful future - and get better focused on the absolute center of your target...if you really want to hit the bull's-eye rather than merely the edge.
Think about it. But more importantly, do something about!