Monday, January 11, 2010

No Longer Waiting For A Good Opportunity

Well, it's FINALLY 2010. A clean slate. A fresh start. A new beginning.

Then why are so many people...just waiting?

I was talking with a client about his plans for growth in 2010. After he described a long list of ways they were planning to position themselves and gain market share, I asked him what he and his teams were currently doing to accomplish those goals. He stated that they were watching and waiting for more evidence of a turnaround before they took any action.

I believe the opportunity is already starting to slip away.

One of the traits of world-class success stories is they LEAD the market. They initiate trends. They take action and gain while "wanna be's" wait for "proof" or for some kind of assurance that their plan will gain BIG results with minimum risk.

Funny thing about business (and just about any other aspect of life for that matter)...low risk almost ALWAYS results in low rewards.

Intent means nothing until it is acted upon.

Once there is a good understanding of the customer, your team/resources/strategies, and the competition, every moment of "waiting" squanders your potential. Your competitive edge diminishes. You leave the window of opportunity open for your competition.

Sounds like a foolish way to begin a new decade.

Do New: Stop waiting for opportunity and MAKE opportunity instead!

Think about it, but more importantly - do something about!